I am now an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), where I teach and conduct research on information security. Before moving back to my hometown to join CUHK, I was a postdoctoral researcher at Carnegie Mellon University CyLab. I obtained my PhD in Computer Science from Purdue University, working primarily on network and system security, under the supervision of Prof. Ninghui Li and Prof. Aniket Kate. My research interest is mainly on the (in)security of the design, implementation, and deployment of network and cryptographic protocols. Specifically, I have been testing and measuring different aspects of TLS and PKI, which led to the discovery of many vulnerabilities in various ecosystems.
Selected Recent Publications
A full list of my publications and the relevant CVEs can be found here.
SeQR: A User-Friendly and Secure-by-Design Configurator for Enterprise Wi-Fi
S Mahmudul Hasan; Che Wei Tu; Endadul Hoque; Omar Chowdhury; Sze Yiu Chau
[The ACM CHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) 2025] (To Appear) -
On the Unnecessary Complexity of Names in X.509 and Their Impact on Implementations
Yuteng Sun; Joyanta Debnath; Wenzheng Hong; Omar Chowdhury; Sze Yiu Chau
[The ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE) 2025] (To Appear) -
A Multifaceted Study on the Use of TLS and Auto-detect in Email Ecosystems
Ka Fun Tang; Che Wei Tu; Sui Ling Angela Mak; Sze Yiu Chau
[Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium 2025] (Paper) -
ARMOR: A Formally Verified Implementation of X.509 Certificate Chain Validation
Joyanta Debnath; Christa Jenkins; Yuteng Sun; Sze Yiu Chau; Omar Chowdhury
[IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P) 2024] (Paper) -
Towards Precise Reporting of Cryptographic Misuses
Yikang Chen; Yibo Liu; Ka Lok Wu; Duc V. Le; Sze Yiu Chau
[The Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium 2024] (Paper) -
The Devil is in the Details: Hidden Problems of Client-side Enterprise Wi-Fi Configurators
Ka Lok Wu; Man Hong Hue; Ka Fun Tang; Sze Yiu Chau
[The 16th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec 2023)] (Paper)
※ Best Paper Award from ACM WiSec '23 -
Back to School: On the (In)Security of Academic VPNs
Ka Lok Wu; Man Hong Hue; Ngai Man Poon; Kin Man Leung; Wai Yin Po; Kin Ting Wong; Sze Ho Hui; Sze Yiu Chau
[The 32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security '23)] (Paper) -
All your credentials are belong to us: On Insecure WPA2-Enterprise Configurations
Man Hong Hue; Joyanta Debnath; Kin Man Leung; Li Li; Mohsen Minaei; M. Hammad Mazhar; Kailiang Xian; Endadul Hoque; Omar Chowdhury; Sze Yiu Chau
[The 28th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2021)] (Paper)
※ CUEngineering Jul 2022 Issue 19 coverage -
On Reengineering the X.509 PKI with Executable Specification for Better Implementation Guarantees
Joyanta Debnath; Sze Yiu Chau; Omar Chowdhury
[The 28th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2021)] (Paper)
※ Best Paper Award Runner-Up from ACM CCS 2021 -
Morpheus: Bringing The (PKCS) One To Meet the Oracle
Moosa Yahyazadeh; Sze Yiu Chau; Li Li; Man Hong Hue; Joyanta Debnath; Sheung Chiu Ip; Chun Ngai Li; Endadul Hoque; Omar Chowdhury
[The 28th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2021)] (Paper) -
When TLS Meets Proxy on Mobile
Joyanta Debnath; Sze Yiu Chau; Omar Chowdhury
[The 18th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS 2020)] (Paper)
※ Best Student Paper Award from ACNS 2020 -
Analyzing Semantic Correctness with Symbolic Execution: A Case Study on PKCS#1 v1.5 Signature Verification
Sze Yiu Chau; Moosa Yahyazadeh; Omar Chowdhury; Aniket Kate; Ninghui Li
[The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) 2019] (Paper|Talk)
※ WIRED coverage
Professional Activities
- Program Committee: ACM CCS '25; ACM AsiaCCS '25; ACM CODASPY '25, '24, '23; IEEE S&P '24; USENIX Security '24, '23, '22, '21; RAID '24; PETS '23, '22; ACM SACMAT '23, '22, '21; EAI SecureComm '23; ESORICS '23, '20
- External Reviewer: TheWebConf '21
- Journal Reviewer: IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC); ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS); IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (TNSM); IEEE Systems Journal (ISJ)
Current Research Students
Doria Tang (MPhil student) [Aug 2023-]
Zeddy Lu (MPhil student) [Aug 2023-]
Yanxiang BI (PhD student) [Aug 2022-]
Yikang CHEN (PhD student) [Aug 2021-]
Yuteng SUN (PhD student) [Aug 2021-]
Ka Lok WU (MPhil student) [Aug 2021 - Dec 2023], now a PhD student at Stony Brook
Yibo Liu (full-time RA) [Aug 2022 - Dec 2022], now a PhD student at Arizona State
Man Hong HUE (Ug student helper + full-time RA) [Feb 2020 - Jul 2022], now a PhD student at Georgia Tech
Awards & Recognitions
Dean's Exemplary Teaching Award 2022 (CUHK Faculty of Engineering)
Best Paper Award (ACM WiSec 2023)
Best Paper Award Runner-Up (ACM CCS 2021)
Best Student Paper Award (ACNS 2020)
Invited Talks
[Jun 2024] PISA JAM 2024, Professional Information Security Association (PISA)
Title: A multifaceted security analysis of Enterprise Wi-Fi and VPNs -
[May 2024] Research Seminar, Visa Research (California)
Title: Achieving Cryptographic Guarantees in Practice -
[Oct 2022] Cybersec Infohub Annual Professional Workshop 2022, HKIRC & OGCIO
Title: Why Are Initial Access Brokers (IABs) Profitable? A Critical Look at Enterprise Wi-Fi and VPNs -
[Apr 2021] Computer Science Colloquium, The University of Iowa
Title: Tales of Broken Authentication: Misguided Designs Can Hurt For Decades -
[Aug 2019] Black Hat USA 2019
Title: A Decade After Bleichenbacher '06, RSA Signature Forgery Still Works -
[Jan 2019] Computing Seminar, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)
Title: Analyzing Semantic Correctness of Protocol Implementations with Symbolic Execution -
[Jan 2019] Computer Science Seminar, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)
Title: Analyzing Semantic Correctness of Protocol Implementations with Symbolic Execution -
[Dec 2018] Information Engineering Seminar, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)
Title: Analyzing Semantic Correctness of Protocol Implementations with Symbolic Execution -
[Sep 2018] Midwest Verification Day 2018, The University of Iowa
Title: SymCerts: Practical Symbolic Execution For Exposing Noncompliance in X.509 Certificate Validation Implementations
Press & Media Coverage
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If you want to send me encrypted emails, here is my PGP public key.
My Erdös number is 4, with multiple paths through my PhD advisors:
- Chau → Kate → Goldberg → Stinson → Erdös
- Chau → Kate → Zaverucha → Stinson → Erdös
- Chau → Li → Bertino → Wagstaff → Erdös